Talent, skill alone might not be enough for you to succeed and progress in life; to enter into your purpose and achieve greatly, there is need for you to find people whom you can draw strength from. You will need to find those who have substance, in which you can easily move with and rode on their shoulders too, men and women of capacity and ability. In this New Year, you will need to choose your friends wisely.
John who later became the Beloved heard John the Baptist saying Jesus is the Lamb of God, the later would not allow the day to pass before he ran after Jesus. He equally found his brother and when Jesus equally went to Nazareth He found Philip, Philip would later found Nathanael and when Nathanael met with Jesus he received greater promise of heaven opening and angels ascending and descending, the implication was Nathanael would see beyond the physical. He would achieve what others could not.
Do not move with those who will pull you down, look for growth partners, people that can help your vision and help you to grow in whatever area you choose. In Luke 5, Peter beckoned on his partners for help, what if Peter did not have growth partners, yes, he had caught great multitude of fishes, but he was sinking, his growth partners help his profession. Nathanael would still be roaming the street of Nazareth waiting for the coming of a messiah, if not that Philip found him. Many people are not progressing in life because they do not have growth partners, what they have can be termed to be groaning partners, people that when you cry they cry with you, these are not the people you need this year, you need people whom when you cry they have needed tools to wipe away your tears. You need the ones upon which your problems can be solved.
Though we look up to God in prayers but indeed many prayers can be answered by having important association. Scroll down your phone contact, whom do you have that if you need something urgent now and will come to your aid. If you cannot see any on your phone, you need to begin to search out there for one. John met Jesus at a conference; Nathanael met Jesus via association, therefore, where do you go each day determines the people you meet. If you want to change your association, change the places you go.
Word Affirmation: “And he saith unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Hereafter ye shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man." - John 1:51 (Don't just say it, mean it!)
“ Though we look up to God in prayers but indeed many prayers can be answered by having important association. "