Kingdom Empowerment for Young People

About Us

Making Jesus Known

Share in His life, understand His words, and fulfill His Commission.

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Care Home & Support

Finding in-home care, alternatives to nursing homes, and care planning

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Daily Devotional

Loaded with fast-paced worship, activities, and video teachings to address real issues that individuals face each day


Daniel's Abilities for Business


The Righteousness of God


The Cross - A Plus for Believers


Greater is He in You


Enter into His Presence with Thanksgiving


Better is the End of a Thing

Welcome to EMCC

We make total disciples of Christ, equipped them with God's Word and empower them with necessary skills and knowledge needed to transform their communities positively while making the Kingdom of God their utmost priority.


We are determined to engage, educate and empower this population to become great vessels for the Lord here on earth while ensuring their salvation is pure and genuine hence our motto, “Kingdom Empowerment for the Young People (KEY PEOPLE).

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Word for the Moment

Our Daily Devotional tagged, "Word for the Moment" is divinely inspired for your daily walk with God. It is a tool with a mission to empower you in achieving your desire goal. This Daily Devotional is loaded with benefits and will inspire you.

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New Creation Care Home

New Creation Care Home Services provides a nursing home to accommodate elderly and adults in needs fulfilling the Christ’s Mandate to His people. We have specialized care for their senior citizens outside their homes and run a geriatric center where families bring in their loved ones and take them after work and or at the end of the day.

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A Place For You

Here is a place to connect and grow your spiritual knowledge through the undiluted Word of God.

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Upcoming Events

Be sure to visit our Upcoming Events page regularly to get infomartion

Latest News

Latest information on religion, church, politics revolves around us

The Time of the Bible: 2days, 19hours, 32mins & 54secs

As speech reveals the hidden thoughts of men, so does our Lord utter the seen world, for He spoke and it was done. His words preceded the act of creation, but Christ was the Word or Utterance of God. He who created time preceded time, and that which is before time is eternal

COVID-19 in the Days of Noah, Abraham and Daniel

For over ninety days now, the world has been living with the dreadful virus called COVID-19. Many wondered whether it is of God or man-made and I know many Christian homes, Church leaders and unbelievers alike might have sought the face of God for solution, direction and way of escape but here

Nigeria, Where Christians Threshing Wheat by...

Many years ago, I guess it was around the year 1983, still a child by then, I remembered an incident, though not sure of the happenings. I realized the town where I was born was deserted; every house as far as I know was under lock and keys, able men and young people